
The 2015 Virginia Renaissance Faire

By on May 16, 2015

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The Virginia Renaissance Faire on the shores of Lake Anna is a reflection of the middle ages long since past. You may be someone who lives for the faire every year, or you may come for a bit of entertainment. Consider bringing your family along to see all that this faire has to offer. You will see a genuine reflection of a middle ages gathering, and you will meet expert actors who are in character for your edification and entertainment.

#1: The Actors

Virginia-Renaissance-FaireYou and your children can interact with every actor who is in character for the faire. You will meet people with spotless English accents, and they will regale you with banter in the vernacular of the day. You might not understand some of what they say, but being in a place with such talented people is a good feeling.

You will encounter everyone from the court wenches to the jester and the royal family. There are knights who will joust for glory, and you will meet artisans who are creating some of the most beautiful products you can imagine by hand. You may see a proper blacksmith, silversmith and pewter craftsman for the first time, and there are many others creating jewelry, instrument and clothing.

#2: The Artwork

Your children will be bowled over the products made at every stand. Your child can learn to play ocarina from an artisan who bores out the rocks by hand, or you can may learn to play lute from a traditional luthier. There are painters on the grounds who are selling beautiful prints, and you will meet people who work with their hands to make trinkets you can take home with you.

#3: The Food

Virginia-Renaissance-FaireThe food served at the faire is much like what you would have encountered in the middle ages. The drifters diet was much different than what we eat today, but you may eat their food in the open air of the festival. Sit down and watch the jousts while you have your lunch, or try a traditional ale that has been fermented carefully by a local microbrewer.

The Virginia Renaissance Faire is a place where you may immerse yourself in the culture of the middle ages. The faire brings the world of several hundred years ago to life so that we do not forget how our ancestors once lives. Families and fans should congregate this year for yet more fun in the plains at the shore of Lake Anna.

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